We’ve added filtering and sorting by Spaces, dates, names and whether an Action is completed or not! This will make navigating around your actions list more straightforward.
The filter button is on the upper right of the screen, and that’s where you can access these new features 👍
You can apply all these sorts and filters together. So, for example, you can see all completed Actions in your Marketing Space, and sort them by the due date.
Completed Actions gives you the ability to go back and see what you’ve already done. You can also go and recover an Action that you might have accidentally marked as complete. There is also the ability to see both complete and incomplete actions.
Sorting includes date created, due date and name, and you can choose ascending or descending. A simple addition, but obviously very important as you organize and prioritize your day.
You also can filter Actions by Space. Stay focused on projects, clients or personal vs. work tasks - or however you plan to use Spaces! We don’t judge. Maybe you can even organize them by how happy they make you. Actually, that’s not a bad idea… I might try that.
We’ve also color-coded Spaces. This lets you get a quick reference what each Action is related to in the list view. We choose them for you for the time being to keep it simple.
Finally, you can now make any Action full screen, not just the one you are working on now.
Finally, you can now make any Action full screen, not just the one you are working on now.
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