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Taskable UI v.2

Taskable UI v.2

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April 28, 2021

Today we’ve released a complete overhaul of the Taskable UI that makes it simpler, more intuitive, and easier on the eyes. We think you’ll like it!

Read on to learn all about it. Or, if you prefer video, here’s a quick Loom demo.

Board view

We’ve simplified the board view and removed the tabs. Now everything is on one screen.

Instead of a separate inbox, all new tasks appear in the New column. This is your space to get new items organized, add them to a Space, assign priority and due date, and whether or not it’s a recurring task.

Once you’ve organized the task, you can move it to the Reviewed column until you are ready to work on it. Or add it to the Today column if you plan to get to it today (more on that in a sec).

Task descriptions and information

We’ve simplified the priority setting by removing the Effort field, and changing Impact to Priority.


Our default sort is now on the highest priority items at the top of each column. You can also sort by Due Date and Date Created.

Today view

We have a whole new Today view: all your tasks and calendar events scheduled for Today. To access, hit the expand button on the top of the Today column

Here’s how it looks now:.

Dark Mode

We added a dark mode. To enable it, hit the toggle at the bottom of the sidebar.

And give your eyes a break 👇

What’s next

In addition to the new UI, we’ve been hard at work adding and improving integrations. Keep an eye out for another update once those are launched in the next few weeks.

If you have any thoughts, feedback, criticisms, or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us: matt@taskablehq.com

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