Roy Dekel



Roy Dekel is CEO and Co-Founder of SetSchedule. Preceding SetSchedule, Roy sold billions in financial products and prior to trends, institutionalized the buy and hold residential lifestyle model managing a lofty residential portfolio. He is currently the CEO and Co-Owner of Taskable.

Before moving to California, Dekel grew up in Israel, a child of Romanian refugees. He served as a first lieutenant in the Israeli Defense Forces of the Navy Seals. Inspired by his childhood, Roy helps charities that focus on the quality of life and education of children. Roy’s long-standing dedication as a donor, activist, and member of so many charitable organizations has earned Dekel the deserved reputation as a trusted and selfless community leader.

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Roy Dekel
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Carlo Cacnio

General Manager, SaaS

Rica Suruiz

Director of Care

Paul Dizon

SEO/Affiliate Specialist

Meg Canino

Marketing Manager

Stanley Bawalan

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