New Workforce Models: Pros and Cons of Temping, Freelancing, and Contracting

New Workforce Models: Pros and Cons of Temping, Freelancing, and Contracting

August 17, 2023
Stanley Bawalan
, Last updated: 
August 17, 2023


The traditional 9-to-5 job structure is no longer the only option for many professionals in today's workforce. With the rise of the gig economy and changing attitudes toward work, new workforce models have emerged. 

Temping, freelancing, and contracting offer different ways of working that provide flexibility and independence. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the pros and cons of each of these models, allowing you to make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Related: Flexible Working: The Key to Finding, Keeping, and Empowering Top Talent | Taskable Blog 

Temping: Pros and Cons

Temporary employment, or temping, refers to working for a company or organization on a short-term basis. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of temping:


  1. Flexibility in work arrangements: Temping allows you to have more control over your schedule. You can choose assignments that fit your availability and personal needs.
  2. Opportunity to gain diverse experience: Temping exposes you to a variety of industries and roles. This can be beneficial if you are looking to explore different career paths or enhance your skill set.
  3. Potential for quick job placements: Temp agencies often have a wide network of clients, which means you may be able to find work relatively quickly compared to traditional job searching methods.


  1. Lack of job security: As a temporary employee, your employment is based on the needs of the company. There is always a risk of assignments ending abruptly, leaving you without a job.
  2. Limited access to benefits and perks: Temporary employees may not be eligible for the same benefits and perks as permanent employees, such as health insurance, retirement plans, or paid time off.
  3. Possibility of low stability and uncertain income: The nature of temping means that your income may fluctuate, as you are not guaranteed steady work. This can make it challenging to plan and budget effectively.

Freelancing: Pros and Cons

Freelancing involves working as a self-employed individual, providing services on a project basis. Let's examine the pros and cons of freelancing:


  1. Independence and flexibility in choosing projects: As a freelancer, you have the freedom to select projects that align with your skills and interests. You can create a diverse portfolio and expand your expertise in specific areas.
  2. Potential for higher income: Freelancers often have the opportunity to set their own rates, allowing for the potential to earn more compared to a traditional job. Additionally, you have the ability to negotiate contracts and prices based on your skills and experience.
  3. Ability to work remotely: Freelancing offers the freedom to work from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility can be advantageous for those who prefer a remote work lifestyle or have personal commitments that require location independence.


  1. Irregular and unpredictable income: Unlike a regular salary, freelancers are dependent on project contracts and client availability. This can lead to fluctuating income, making it necessary to plan and save for periods of low or no work.
  2. Responsibility for self-employment taxes and expenses: Freelancers are responsible for paying their own taxes and managing business-related expenses. This can require a level of financial discipline and record-keeping.
  3. Need for self-promotion and client acquisition: As a freelancer, you are responsible for marketing yourself and acquiring clients. This requires time and effort to build a network, develop a strong online presence, and consistently seek new opportunities.

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Contracting: Pros and Cons

Contracting involves working on a project or assignment basis for a specific company or organization. Here are the pros and cons of contracting:


  1. Opportunity for long-term projects and stability: Contracts can offer longer-term assignments, providing stability and job security for the duration of the project. This can be appealing to those who prefer a sense of stability in their work.
  2. Access to benefits and perks offered by the contracting company: Depending on the terms of the contract, contractors may have access to benefits and perks typically offered to full-time employees. This can include healthcare coverage, retirement plans, and paid time off.
  3. Potential for higher pay rates: Contractors often have the ability to negotiate higher pay rates compared to permanent employees. This is due to the specialized skills and expertise they bring to the project.


  1. Lack of full-time employee benefits: While contractors may have some access to benefits, they typically do not receive the same level of benefits as full-time employees. This can include limited or no access to health insurance, retirement plans, or paid leave.
  2. Limited job security beyond the contract duration: Once the project or assignment is completed, there is no guarantee of ongoing work. Contractors need to continuously seek new projects or clients to maintain a steady income.
  3. Dependence on contract availability and competition: The availability of contracts can vary based on market conditions and industry demand. Contractors may face competition from other professionals bidding for the same opportunities.

Comparison and Considerations

When choosing a workforce model, it's important to consider several factors:

  1. Desired level of flexibility and independence: Determine how much control you want over your schedule and the ability to choose the projects you work on.
  2. Financial stability and predictability: Evaluate your financial situation and determine whether you can handle the irregular income that comes with freelancing or temping, or if the stability of contracting is a better fit.
  3. Long-term career goals and aspirations: Consider how each workforce model aligns with your long-term career goals and whether it provides the opportunities and advancement you seek.

Remember, your choice of workforce model should reflect your personal goals, skills, and circumstances. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and it's important to make an informed decision based on your individual needs and preferences.

Related: How to Be More Productive in 2023: Unlocking Your Full Potential | Taskable Blog 


Temping, freelancing, and contracting offer unique opportunities for individuals seeking alternatives to traditional 9-to-5 employment. Each workforce model has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and it's essential to evaluate them carefully. By understanding the pros and cons of temping, freelancing, and contracting, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your career goals and personal aspirations. Consider your desired level of flexibility, financial stability, and long-term plans when choosing the right workforce model for your needs.

August 17, 2023
Stanley Bawalan

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